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About Tamworth Pigs
Tamworth Pigs were brought to the United States in 1882 and are currently listed as a threatened breed in the Livestock Conservancy. These animals would become extinct if it wasn’t for the commitment of small farms to continue the breed and raise these animals. Our Tamworth Pigs are raised on pasture, gleaned organic vegetables, non-GMO feed, and home grown organic oats.
Heritage Food USA extols the flavor of the pork as fruity, earthy, clean, mineral, root, sweet and tender. They describe it as “stunningly good pork and exceptional bacon.” (
Tamworth meat is the leanest of all heritage hogs and contains approximately 20% protein in nutritional value. Tamworth pork tenderloin has less fat and cholesterol than standard chicken breast. And pork sirloin roast has less fat and cholesterol than chicken thighs. (
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